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Project Management Template

Our Project Management template will help you organize, manage, and bring all of your projects to completion without a hassle.
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If you typically start new projects without sufficient planning, you’re in for a rough ride. A well-thought-out plan is the foundation of every successful project. Our Project Management template can provide a strong framework that’ll make sure your projects, no matter their size and complexity, land the way you had originally intended them to.

Using our Project Management template, you can:

  • Communicate your plans, goals and strategies with co-workers.

  • Ensure the entire team knows the project scope and where you're headed to.

  • Assign work to your team members in a few clicks.

  • Plan every stage of the project by setting start and due dates.

  • Monitor every aspect of your project plan and track progress your team is making.

Benefits of Using Our Project Management Template

  • Have all everything related to a project in a single board.

  • Plan and allocate resources efficiently, ensuring projects are done on time.

  • Stay up to date with the latest board activities.

  • Spot bottlenecks and risks at an early stage.

  • Successfully execute plans. 

How to Use This Template

  • Load the template "Project Management" into your workspace.

  • Decide whether you want to keep demo data or not. If you keep the data, you can edit it to your liking. If you decide to delete it, you'll need to add your own items.

  • Add all the projects you're working on to the folder Projects.

  • Then, add different attributes to your items, e.g. description, status, start date, end date, progress bar, and so on.

  • Use the Impact and Effort ratings to decide which project takes priority.

  • Create multiple tabs to view your projects in different ways—on a Gantt chart, as a Kanban board, in a table, etc.

  • In the folder Tasks, create tasks that you'll need to complete in order to bring your projects to a close.

  • Assign tasks to your team members, set priority and due dates for each task, and connect each task to its respective project. You can also attach any necessary files.

  • Manage your tasks in different tabs where you will group data by Status or Priority, filter data by assignee, due date, etc.

  • Filter out tasks by using the Status label, so that all tasks marked as 'Done' are removed from current tasks and only appear in the tab 'Done'.

  • Use automations to create a button that will immediately send all 'Done' tasks to the Archive folder.

  • Use the dedicated form to submit new tasks with ease, without creating confusion among team members.

To learn more about project management in Infinity, you can check out our blog post: How to Use Infinity to Successfully Plan Projects.

This Project Management Template Works Best With:


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